Here's Why Canola Oil Is Bad For You

4 years ago

There has been a lot of controversy as to whether canola oil is good or bad for your health.

In this video we will explore how rapeseed oil is created and how that impacts your health.

Choosing the right oil to cook is not something easy.

Today, there are dozens of options of oils and fats in the market, and it is hard to know which one of them is the "healthier" one.

Fats and oils are part of the human diet since ever.

The confusion about this macronutrient, so precious to human health, started in the 50s, when some information about oils, their origins and processes, as well as their relation with health problems, started being published.

These things reverberated so much that even today, when we know more than before, people still get confused with all the debates about benefits and harms caused by fat consumption.

In our channel, we talked a lot about the benefits of olive oil and coconut oil, two great sources of fat to our health.

And, speaking of fats, have you ever heard about canola oil?

This is the great winner of all the controversies about cooking oils since there is many different information and opinions about it.

Controversies start by the fact that canola is an artificial plant, made from rapeseed.

Most of the crops are genetically modified (GMO), as to improve the oil quality and increase the plant's resistance against herbicides.

As canola became one of the most popular sources of fat in the food industry, the worries about its impact on our health also grew.

Even though canola oil is one of the most used oils in the food industry, there are few studies about how it affects our health.

Even so, some evidence suggest that this oil can have a negative impact on health.

So, if you have never heard about canola oil until now, that's a good sign that your diet is healthy.

And, if you use or have used it at some time, it's better to try to avoid it. Replace canola oil with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.




Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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