How To Instantly Relieve Red and Itchy Allergy Eyes

5 years ago

You have certainly had an insistent itching on your eyes. During spring, the complaints about itchy eyes increase a lot.

At this time, there are more allergens in the air, such as pollen, mites, dust, animal hair, and many others.

People who are allergic to these things are more vulnerable in this time of the year.

Besides having respiratory problems, the eyelids and eyelashes can also be hurt, and even cause infections.

Itching, redness, watering, swelling, and irritation are all symptoms of eye allergy.

If that's your case, pay attention to today's video, and discover 3 natural medicines that can help you solve this common problem:

1. Chamomile Compress
2. Saline solution
3. Black tea compress

If you have tried these homemade alternatives and still don't get any improvements, go to a dermatologist to get a diagnosis and to find the causes of your symptoms.

Besides that, you may be referred to an allergist, who will find what products caused your allergy.

Besides that, get into the habit of:

Keeping your house clean of dust, all ventilated and with sun light;
Wash all clothes stored for too long before using them again;
Avoid objects that collect dust;
Avoid carpets, rugs, and stuffed animals at home;
Use covers on your pillows and mattress;
Regularly clean the filter ofyour air conditioner;
Avoid natural flowers, places with cigarette smoke, and products that are old or have been stored for too long.

If your problem is allergies, you will certainly notice a big improvement in your daily life by following these tips.

If the symptoms don't go away, visit a doctor to examine your case.



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