The Wonderful Benefits of Passion Fruit Tea

4 years ago

The slightly tart taste of passion fruit wins over many people, although many others don't like its taste.

The fruit is usually used to make juices and desserts, and it is very easy to find.

But, did you know that besides its soothing effect, passion fruit also has other amazing benefits? No?!

Then, it is about time you learned more about this powerful tart fruit!

Passion fruit tea has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, alleviating some pains and discomforts. And it can even act as a potent vermicide in children.

For women, passion fruit is highly recommended during menopause since it helps reduce hot flashes. Besides that, passion fruit can also be consumed by people who suffer from high blood pressure and stress.

Passion fruits can be consumed whole, fruit, leaves and flowers. It can help treat different problems.

Are you interested in learning how to make this tea?

See the step-by-step:

You can prepare this tea using the leaves or flowers of passion fruit:

To make a tea with the leaves, you will need 1 tablespoon of passion fruit leaves, chopped, and 1 cup of boiling water. Put the chopped leaves in the boiling water cup, cover it with a lid and let it infuse for five minutes. After that, drink the tea.

To make tea with passion fruit flowers, you will need:

1 teaspoon of dried passion fruit flowers and 1 cup of boiling water.

Making it is easy: just put the flowers in the boiling water, cover the cup with a lid, and let it infuse for ten minutes. After that, strain and drink.

You can make and drink passion fruit tea whenever you like, but it is recommended doing so at night since it can cause drowsiness during the day.

Not to mention that, if you drink this tea at night you will reap many more benefits, like having a good and calm night of sleep!

Do it and share your experience with us.



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