This Amazing Tea Will Treat Your Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia

4 years ago

Be it chamomile, passion fruit, or any other ingredients, the habit of drinking a cup of tea to calm down and sleep is old.

Not to mention that this habit is passed from generation to generation. Isn't it true?

The truth is that these teas reduce anxiety and agitation, especially when combined with other boosting ingredients.

So, in today's video, we will show you a tea made of rosemary, lemongrass, and mulungu. Have you ever heard about these herbs?

Learn more about them:

Rosemary has amazing benefits to health. It is recommended to use rosemary to improve the quality of ambiances.

Lemongrass, also known as fever grass or citronella grass, alleviates depression, stress, and tensions in the body.

Mulungu has calming and tranquilizing properties, contributing to improve the quality of sleep and fight insomnia.

According to experts, most cases of insomnia, are a result of anxiety, worry, fear, or insecurity, which puts our body and mind in a state of alertness and tension.

The therapeutic properties of certain teas positively affect insomnia, calming and relaxing the body.

Calming down facilitates the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.

Try it and see for yourself the benefits of these herbs.

Oh, if you are pregnant or nursing, the best teas to calm down and treat insomnia are chamomile and passion fruit!



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