Maricopa Election Day Ballots Processed in December?

2 years ago

Via Ann Vandersteel “Steel Truth” show on Rumble, Jovan discusses his findings from analyzing the county data files & the actual ballots. Bombshell: Before & images do not match, 115k were loaded into the machines on Nov 15th happen to match the 52 properly sealed boxes picked on Election Day “in case” they needed “auditing”. In addition, the election was called for Biden with only 33% of the votes tallied and Election Day ballots weren’t processed until Dec 8th & 9th!

This is not the whole interview - it is only the part I felt was the heart of what is relative to Maricopa

Follow Jovan on Locals. The $5 a month is worth his content. He releases all his hard hitting facts there first, including organizing a Digital Warrior Brigade to teach you how to hold the officials accountable .

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