7 AMAZING Benefits Of Meditation

3 years ago

We recently talked about meditation on our channel. Did you watch this video?

If you want to know more about this millenary practice that has taken the Western by storm, watch the suggested video.

Do you meditate or know someone who does?

For many people, this practice may seem weird, and some still think that this is a habit only for people who have a lot of time to spend or for someone who doesn't have anything else to do.

But, actually, to meditate is to train your mind.

But do you know what meditation is?

Many still have the wrong idea that meditating is to stop thinking. But that's not true.

Actually, not thinking about anything is very hard, almost impossible.

The word meditation comes from the Latin "meditare", which means to turn oneself inside and turn off from the external world.

Meditation has to do with focusing on and observing our feelings. Interesting, isn't it?

People in the Orient practice meditation for thousands of years because they believe it brings peace of mind and knowledge about ourselves.

0:00 Meditation Benefits

1:13 Improves immunity
Colds, flu, infections, and other health issues are common in your life? Then, your immune system probably is needing some help to work better.

1:30 Develops focus
Meditation develops focus and concentration.

1:49 Contributes to memory
Did you know that meditating restructures the brain, both neurochemically and brain function?

2:05 Improves your relationships
Because it helps us balance all the points above, meditation brings a lighter reflection, with fewer judgments.

2:30 Reduces stress and anxiety
Meditating regularly helps you stay calm and relaxed, which helps a lot with anxiety.

2:49 Improves quality of sleep
Did you know that the main causes of insomnia are anxiety and stress?

3:08 Contributes to weight loss
Although meditation itself is not responsible for burning calories, it can help you control your weight.

Did you know these 7 benefits that meditation offers to the mind and the body?

Talk about it with your friends and add this practice to your life if you want to enjoy these benefits.


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