This Simple Change Will Improve Your Digestion If You Are Over 40

3 years ago

Today we will talk about something to improve your digestion if you are over 40 years old.

Have you ever heard that drinking during meals makes you bloated?

A frequent question of people who want healthier habits is if drinking during meals is bad for health.

Did you know that the digestion process starts when we begin to chew the food?

When you drink too much during a meal, more than 7 ounces, the food in your mouth becomes a paste and gets pushed down the stomach by the liquids, instead of being broken into small pieces, as it should. This harms our body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, making the meals poorer.

Also, liquids dilute the gastric juice – the acid produced in the stomach - making it less potent. It loses its ability to digest food and absorb nutrients, like protein and glucose (carbs). That means you eat the foods, but your body doesn't absorb all the substances it needs.

If you want to nourish your body, drinking during your meals is a waste!

Filling the stomach with liquids makes the brain register a false sensation of satiety.

Besides, when you fill your stomach with water and food during the meal, the organ dilates - it can expand 40 times its size to accommodate the food. Then, the stomach needs more and more food to register the satiety. The number of calories you ingest raise, as do the numbers on the scale.

The best thing to do is eating during your meals and drink throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated.

This is the best way of feeling satiated without overeating!

Now tell us, did you know that already? Do you drink while eating?

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