Say Goodbye to Stretch Marks With Avocado and Sunflower Oil

4 years ago

Do you have an issue with stretch marks?

In today's video, you will learn how to treat them naturally!

Stretch marks are scars formed when the elastic fibers are destroyed by the stretching of the skin.

The lines are formed by a reduction of the thickness of the dermis and epidermis. They may itch and burn but usually don't show any symptoms.

Stretch marks affect both women and men, but mainly women. Even though they don't cause any medical complications, stretch marks are bothersome for their appearance.

Stretch marks usually appear when there is a sudden stretch of the skin, in situations like weight gain, pregnancy, puberty, growth spurts, etc.

It is also important to note that genetic factors contribute to someone having more or fewer stretch marks.

To prevent them, you should maintain a healthy weight and keep yourself hydrated.

If you have stretch marks on your body, try this recipe.

You will soon notice the results.

0:00 Natural Treatment for Stretch Marks
0:11 How Do Stretch Marks Form?
0:55 How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Avocado and Sunflower Oil



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