White Bean Flour: Burns Fat, Lowers Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and More

3 years ago

Do you eat beans? Do you like white beans?

White bean is one of many varieties of beans and is found in North and South America.

Soft, with a nutty, earthy flavor, they are an excellent addition to soups, stews, bell peppers, and other dishes.

White bean's properties put this food on the list of most searched foods for those who want to lose weight or are on a restrictive diet. Did you know that?

According to researchers, white ben flour helps with weight loss and lowers blood sugar levels. Do you know why?

Researchers say that the protein found in this bean, called phaseolamin, inhibits the absorption of glucose (starch) by the body, being important in the control of diabetes.

However, this flour must be produced from raw beans, as to not lose phaseolamin.

It brings the following benefits to our health:

Reduces absorption of carbs
Reduces fat deposits
Increases satiety
Controls glycemia
Lower cholesterol
Strengthens the immune system

Do you want to learn how to make white bean flour?

To make white bean flour at home, rinse 2.4 lbs of beans and let them dry for 3 days. Once the beans are dry, put them in a blender or food processor, and blend until it becomes a fine powder.

Using a strainer, remove any parts that weren't ground and ground them again until powder. Store the flour in a dark glass container with a lid. Keep it in a dry, cool place. The flour lasts up to 3 months.

However, people with hypoglycemia, children, and pregnant women can't eat white bean flour. The drop in blood sugar levels is dangerous and can cause malaise and fainting.

Also, don't consume more than 1.05 ounces a day of this flour, nor eat it for more than 30 days without medical supervision.

White bean flour hinders the absorption of essential nutrients, like iron and proteins.

So, did you know this flour and all the benefits of white beans?

0:00 White bean nutrition and benefits
0:54 Reduces absorption of carbs
1:27 Reduces fat deposits
1:33 Increases satiety
1:56 Controls glycemia
2:02 Lower cholesterol
2:13 Strengthens the immune system
2:31 How to make white bean flour
2:58 How to consume white bean flour
3:16 Side effects of white bean


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