Hallelujah (Easter Leonard Cohen Version)

2 years ago

It Is Finished🔥🔥🔥
Oh how the Father must have sighed when He heard His son say those 3 words. Once again finally He would be home again with the Father.
It was common with the crucifixions that they would break their legs to speed up the death. But Jesus being the sacrificial lamb He had to be perfect with no broken bones. How amazing the plan of God was so detailed to arrange for His son's legs to not be broken. Just a thought I've been pondering this past week.
Also that not only was this Passover of Jesus's crucifixion was foreshadowed in Israel's escape from Egypt with the lambs blood over the doorpost, but also we can look further back also into Abraham being willing and obedient to the Father to take his son up and sacrifice him. There is so much meat in all of this. Abraham showed his willingness to allow his only son Isaac to be the sacrificial lamb. There is so many foreshadows of previous biblical accounts that foreshadowed the future days and so much of the days that we are in now. The Father made it without any doubt or hidden to His children His plans for our good through the hard and evil days that this world has been through and even still going into.
The enemy thinks he is so creative and wise but all he is doing is setting up himself for his own destruction. Every evil plot that he has tried against you will only be turned for your good and God's glory. Watch and see the hand of God in your life when you are in that fiery furnace, know that He is right in there with you and when you walk out unharmed without a hint of smoke on you, those around you will see the glory of God.

God bless you all sweet brothers and sisters,
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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