Elon Musk: The Poison Pill More Lethal than Trump | Ilhan Omar Hates Herself, God & America

2 years ago

Jason’s fire-starter explained the enormous threat Elon Musk’s bid to acquire Twitter poses to the establishment, and the opening monologue called out the five families – Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google – of the “Alphabet Mafia.” Fearless contributor T.J. Moe is the first to fan the flames, wondering if former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is a Musk friend or foe. Fearless soldier Dave Shannon argues that Twitter is a reflection of America’s cultural rot rather than the cause of it. He complains that the transgender tail is wagging the American dog. Things get really heated on the show when Royce White, a Republican candidate for Ilhan Omar’s congressional seat, blasts Omar for her tweet complaining about Christian crooners on an airplane. “She hates herself,” White roars. White also credits President Trump with creating space for Musk to challenge the Democratic and Republican establishments. Plus, Uncle Jimmy asks Shemeka Michelle if gospel music has strayed too far from the gospel.

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