Why I Left the USA for Poland - Dave z Ameryki

3 years ago

Meet @Dave z Ameryki , A Polish Youtube star who was brought up in the USA but decided to return to his native land Poland in the recent years.
#Poland #Expat #Polish #Polishman #Polishboy #Polska

0:00 - Meet Dave z Ameryki
1:19 - Dave's life before Youtube
1:57 - How did Dave like his life in America?
4:17 - What was it like growing up Polish in America?
5:18 - How did Dave z Ameryki become a famous Youtuber?
9:10 - What is the difference between Polish and American women?
12:30 - Dave z Ameryki discusses intimacy with Polish women

Check out Dave's book:https://davezameryki.pl/
Please note: Captions are automatically generated and may contain mistakes.

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Email: KultAmerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv

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