Going to the Courts of Heaven. Revelation!

2 years ago

Test every spirit in the name of Jesus and command demons to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, this you must do until you can do it in Spirit, l mean when you are sleeping your soul or spirit must know to command in the name of Jesus because you can do it sincerely in the physical and it works with faith. If your soul does not know its boundaries when you sleep it can follow anybody and this manifests in the physical as well. Since everything begins in spirit it is important for your spirit to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to command evil in His name.
We do not have much time and getting lost it is not easy to find our back to the Lord Jesus our Saviour because of the thick darkness around us.
We have to overcome by the power of His Name and by His Blood.
Let's keep looking up because Jesus Christ is taking His Church very very soon!

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