Did the Narcissist Ever Love Me [Expanding on Lee’s POV]

2 years ago

DID THE NARCISSIST EVER LOVE ME [EXPANDING ON LEE’S POV] // In this video I dive deeper and further into the explanation and question that people who are in the awareness phase have “did the narcissist really love me, can narcissists really love, did the narcissist ever love me, did the narcissist ever care about me, did the narcissist ever love you, did the narcissist ever love you, Did The Narcissist Ever Love you? can a narc love, loving a narc, did the narcissist ever really love me.” Yes they did, (as best they could which was not saying a whole lot – because the best you can love from a wounded place is not a good best and is chalked full of conditions and projections!

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