Kelvin Joseph Latest: Will Cowboys Keep Or Cut Him Amid Murder Case He's Involved In

2 years ago

The Dallas Cowboys Report is back with the latest on Kelvin Joseph and what his future is with the Cowboys. The Cowboys have been mostly quiet around Joseph, who was involved, but not currently charged in a murder case in Dallas in which Joseph was allegedly a passanger in a drive-by shooting. So what will the Cowboys and Jerry Jones do with their 2nd round pick from the 2021 NFL Draft? Will he be kept or will the Cowboys cut him amid off-the-field issues. If Joseph isn’t part of the Cowboys moving forward, where does CB rank among the needs list? And who are some possible Kelvin Joseph replacements? Cowboys Report host Tom Downey breaks down everything around Kelvin Joseph and the Dallas Cowboys.

Kelvin Joseph is not currently facing charges stemming from a murder case that Joseph has admitted to being involved in. While police believe Joseph was not the shooter, he did admit to being in the car that drove by, shot and killed 20-year Cameron Ray last month. Joseph did not speak to police until security footage linked him as a suspect. After his interview with police, two other men were arrested.

The Cowboys Report is also on Rumble! We’re still trailing our Giants channel and we have to catch them before the 2022 NFL Draft … or else:

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