Microneedling Stretch Marks

2 years ago

Though common for everyone, stretch marks can be pretty frustrating. Known as Striae in the scientific world, they form when the skin expands or shrinks quickly. This can happen due to medications, cortisone levels, rapid weight gain or loss, and most commonly after pregnancy. When the skin goes through this process collagen and elastin levels are damaged. An irritating symptom of stretch marks is the inability to magically undo them. Like everything else, a variety of different creams, serums, and treatments claim to have the solution. However, many diminish stretch marks but never fully eliminate them. That's where microneedling comes in. Known for its collagen-producing effects, microneedling can be an effective way to heal your skin. When you microneedle you stimulate the body's rebuilding process. Through this regeneration collagen and elastin increases and works over time to replenish your skin and reduce stretch marks.

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Dr. Pen https://bit.ly/KimUsesDrPenUSA CODE KAOS12

Illuma Pen https://www.illumabb.com/ CODE Save $100 BBGLOW

Plamon Pen https://bit.ly/PlamonPen CODE KAOS10

Numbing Cream https://beautyfromkorea.com/ CODE KAOS10

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