andy jam promo

2 years ago

Andy Jam 3 has a great lineup for 11 hours of music! It starts at noon with The Rolling Rockers, a classic rock band anchored by former T-Birds members Twila Quinn, and John and Hanna Mohr. Prolific singer/songwriter Matt Frampton brings his repertoire of classic rock favorites and beautiful originals. The Quinn family has performed throughout Ohio in the name of recovery from mental illness and/or addiction. On this day, Paul Quinn and members of his family will perform a mix of their favorites. Versatile and talented singer/songwriter Steve Spires will play a set sure to entertain and engage the audience. The day wraps up with classic rock band Grounded. Throughout the day, tickets will be sold for prizes and cash and a Chinese Auction. Proceeds go to the Andy Quinn Scholarship for the Police Academy at Zane State College.

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