Possible War Crimes during the ongoing crisis in Metekel Region of Ethiopia

2 years ago

Warning: Graphic Content describing possible War Crimes during the ongoing crisis in Metekel Region of Ethiopia
—Following the news of massacres targeting Civilians in Western Ethiopia, 🇪🇹 Amhara Nationalists (Important to say that Amharas are the 2nd Largest Ethinic group in Ethiopia and they are mostly ☦️ Orthodox Christians) started to share extremely graphic footages from the Massacres in Metekel region, accusing Insurgents from Oromo Liberation Army of start an ethnic cleansing against them & Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy (who is ethnically Oromo) of leniency towards the massacres as Ethiopia falls into destabilization.

Such events they only reinforce the idea that has already been spoken here before of a possible Ethiopian-religious implosion that may eventually cause a regional (or even international) crisis of unimaginable proportions at the present moment

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