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15 seconds

Winning at the media circus

3 years ago


There is no guarantee today that your audience can find you reliably. With so much distracting content your best visitors or going to lose track of who you are.

You cannot rely on search engines or social media. There’s shadow bands in other bubbles that keep good new visitors from reaching your website. What is a practical solution?

If you want increased revenue and reach it takes more than just new visitors. You need a strategy for cultivating an audience and keeping their audience coming back.

Content marketing is dead. It never was something of value because search engines can monetize visitor attention. Social media makes a fortune off of your visitors.

You can no longer rely on them to send you visitors, because they’re worth too much on their own platform. How do we increase the value of visitors on your platform? How do you increase your value to visitors so that they become customers?

This is more are answered right here in today’s podcast.


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