The Pandemic Was Intended to Get Us To Accept the Social Credit System

2 years ago

Steven Mosher explains how China invented totalitarianism through the ancient school of thought known as Legalism which argues that all power ought to be concentrated in the hands of the state. After the Warring States period China was consolidated into the state of Qin (China) which sought to control important elements of the economy, form propaganda teams to control the thoughts of the people (brainwashing), and create concentration camps. China has been run in totalitarian fashion ever since. Chinese communism is just another version of ancient bureaucratic totalitarianism. Confucianism covered the iron scaffolding of totalitarianism. He doesn’t consider Russia to be a threat, rather part of the West, though the West is pushing it into the arms of Beijing which can create a Eurasian superpower. His upcoming book (Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics) deals with his thoughts on how he thinks the coronavirus is a Chinese gain-of-function bioweapon. He believes China is perfecting a social credit system and that the purpose of the pandemic was to get us to accept such a system. He sees the CCP’s lockdowns as an expression of a larger drive for total control and discusses the Taiwan situation.

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