A chat with real souls.

2 years ago

All I offer is my decades of learning from this bullshit reality or experience in order to connect and most importantly to leave a record of my journey through this farcical life that we give our blood, sweat and tears to.

If you have risen out of the bog of confusion/conspiracy minefields then you may understand where I am coming from , otherwise I can wait until you are ready but time is moving simultaneously in all directions as we watch everything degrade back to 0.
There is no escape, there is only evolution of the spirit to guide the soul and titillate higher self, I don't know but it makes more sense than born blank, education, job, settle down, house, car, debt, kids and retire and wait for death, if that is your belief then you have learned nothing and follow sheep who in turn follow.
Whatever happened to we, the chosen few, tortured souls, we must embrace it through the love and pain as all is for our understanding if only we could. Its no surprise that 99% of normies still see us as crazy but they are in as we are out of sane.
I hope to make sense next video but for now I can only waffle due to the lack of anything real coming from within the bs reality, inside of myself I see much but cannot convey as I am not yet sure what It could mean yet but as I come to understanding, who am i indeed, I will share my truth/delusions within as my record to the future.

Fear is a chain that holds you down.

Much L❤ve


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