[Originally recorded Oct 16, 2021] SAITAMA Censoring Due Diligence, Refusing To Respond To Investors

2 years ago

REPEAT: this was recorded BEFORE the failed Vegas event for #SaitaMask.

We re-share this in hopes of getting people to understand: we've had the same concerns for months. Nothing's changed.

People are just now starting to have those concerns...but we did try to warn people that things were not all well.

The behaviors of the dev team are not in alignment with an above-board project.

We like SAITAMA.
We like its potential.

We don't like the people running it and how they behave, nor do we like the 'Russ We Trust' cult that's been formed (and not denounced).

We don't think it's intentional. We think ego won't allow them to admit their failings. Crypto Queen alluded to this briefly.

They made decisions that didn't work out and they're too proud to ask for help. Many of us would love to help, if they would actually ask and admit their mistakes.

SAITAMA devs deleted questions about Tier 1 Exchanges on a recent AMA.

SAITAMA COO refuses to answer, with specificity, actions and dates for projects being worked on.

Due diligence posts about SAITAMA are being muted, deleted or otherwise negatively impacted in favor of “yay SAITAMA” posts. (aka echochamber/groupthink/cult)

A Redditor posted about a terrible post from the COO that had stock video of a kid. Went largely unaddressed and unanswered.

Certain people appear to have been muted on the “official” Reddit sub, and the moderators are unresponsive.

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