Sarah's very first speech at the freedom rally.

2 years ago

An injunction was put forth on March 18th, 2022 in regards to the beltline protests that have been occurring. Devlin spent the night studying the injunction so as to know it inside and out. He attended the rally with Sarah and many other freedoms fighters as he so frequently has in the past.

At first we are taught to read. Then we are taught to question what we read. Then we are taught to question everything. By asking questions you will find the answer. We are taught this from a young age, but as you saw on March 19th authority does not like to be questioned and Devlin Gannon was brutally assaulted by Calgary City Police. He is being charged with assault, yet he was the one assaulted.

Why? For simply asking a questioning. It is the responsibility of every citizen to question authority, which is exactly what Devlin did.

Devlin is not allowed to attend the downtown rallies that have occured every Saturday time and time again. However, one thing about Devlin is he is great at thinking outside the box. This weekend he attended the rally via a zoom call, still conducting interviews and reporting the very news he has been from the very beginning. You may have seen him being pulled around in a little red wagon - mounted tv screen, microphone, and camera with a blue hoodie - in attendance virtually.

If you would like to help Devlin in his legal battle you can donate to

You can follow all the rally news and find interviews at

Thank you to all those who recorded what happened and thank you for standing united for freedom.

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