Why Biomass Matters in Large Gardens for Maximum Nutrition

3 years ago

What to do with the overgrown end-of-season garden beds. Boost soil nutrients and organic matter. It doesn't matter how you cut it as long as you do before going to seed.

A walkthrough of biomass handling and benefits of overgrown garden space. This is a chop and drop method of managing the organic matter. Does permaculture chop and drop work? https://youtu.be/4SOkILbvonI

This method of turning biomass into mulch is a great way to add organic matter to the soil. You protect the soil, mat out weeds, and feed the soil. It can be hard work to chop and drop, yet worth it for soil building.

Do you let your beds grow out at the end of a season? Comment below about how you handle field grass. Too many burn this kind of crop residue.

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This isn't just grass growing on these beds. It is clover, hairy vetch, several types of grasses, and volunteer vegetables from previous seasons. A good mixture of nitrogen-fixing plants and biomass. Yet, it could be just as effective with cover crops.

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