Leicester Responds To (Some Of) Your Comments (AGAIN) On SAFUU Protocol

2 years ago

This is likely the last time we're doing this, because at this point, it's clear that the vast majority of the diehards are simply not listening to the complete audio and they're just getting unreasonably triggered over their favorite #crypto.

We know this to be true, because in every situation, we've already pre-addressed whatever concern(s) - means they stopped the audio when they heard a word and started furiously typing out a comment in response.

Here's some facts for people.

#SAFUU got #rekt. Period. You LOST!!!!....over $200 per coin. That's what happened.

We said, it'll likely recover, but it DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH MORE SELLING HAPPENS. And as it stands, it's still fighting some sell pressure. As we told you it would. The graph is doing exactly what we said it would.

No rebase mechanic can stop excessive sell pressure.

Also, those in the crypto bubble need to understand - vast majority people aren't gamblers. They don't do presales. They buy off the green candle. They got REKT if they bought in over $200. Will it recover if they #HODL? Maybe. Nobody knows.

Bottom line - you LOST!!!!!...almost $200 per coin at the moment. It crapped. Whether it recovers or not is irrelevant - right now, it crapped. Period.

You're perfectly fine to come back and acknowledge it crapped - because it did - and say you're still a gambler and will HODL and wait it out. Great. DO you.

You need to recognize - the car salesman behind this has a track record of QUITTING and taking money when the token fails. That's a risk.

But don't deny it CRAPPED. Because it CRAPPED. For now.

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