Leicester On Tokens Managed/Supported/Developed By Children

2 years ago

"Children" for the purposes of this coverage is defined by the way they act, NOT their age.

We're seeing a troubling increase in the number of brats that are running Telescam groups - and unfortunately, #crypto projects always go there.

A recent token that we covered (for which the coverage will be uploaded after this) was one of the worst offenders of this phenomenon.

It therefore inspired us to create "The Smoke Report", a new way for us to explain our coverage methodology and how we weigh certain things about projects. The Summary version is always free, and will be provided with every project we cover going forward. We may even go back to older projects to revisit and do a report on them.

In a future state, the Detailed report will be available to supporters (not yet a thing).

Ultimately, projects might be perfectly fine but have a Telescam group that comes across as a scammer. That will harm the project - and anyone who takes the gamble might be in for a loss especially if some of the Telescam admins have the rights to #rugpull these projects.

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