DEVASTATING: Trump Loving Congressman Caught Making Excellent Point

2 years ago

Mo Brooks, who is never right about anything ever, just expertly described the most pervasive problem in Washington today: Money in politics.

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Matt: I even watch this either but I am intrigued because Ryan Grimm tweeted out that every bit of this is correct. and that's not something I normally see appended to mo brooks clips.
Emma: Right so she's probably pretending to be a conservative that's kind of her shtick. And she then gets coaxed by republicans to say things that are incriminating.
Yeah, she also did one with Jody Lott. who's a Georgia state one of the one of the top Georgia republicans in the statehouse where she basically was like yeah like any time a Medicaid or medicare expense Medicaid expansion bill comes through if we just kill it. that's that we just that's our plan you know so yeah she gets a lot of incriminating stuff on me on the record.
Brooks: about why our congress is so unresponsive to the regular needs of American assistance why some of these policies that come out are so bizarre, so unfair, so skewered against regular jane and joe citizens. The reason is simple: special interest groups run Washington. and I don't mean that metaphorically, I mean literally. Now here is how it happens in the house of representatives. I'll use that as an example because that's where I work. If you want to be chairman of a major committee you have to purchase it and the purchase price for a major committee is like ways and means the minimum bid is a million dollars. I'm talking literally here. I'm not talking metaphorically okay? we have committees broken down by A group B group and C group. C are the cheapest. B are the most expensive are middling. A is the most expensive. It's the most expensive because those are the committees of the special interest groups that care the most about it. So where does a congressman come up with a million dollars to be chairman of one of these committees? you can't get it from joe and jane citizens. Because Joe is an insane citizen back home they're not going to be contributing that kind of money. they don't have it, they need that money for their own families. okay so let me finish. Let me finish. and so you have to get it from the special interest groups and with the special interest groups, there is a quid pro quo. if you don't do what they tell you to do they won't give you the money that finances your chairmanship. I had one guy who ran for chairman of the NRCC. which is where the republicans pay their money for these committee assignments and chairmanships. Just as the democrats pay theirs to the DCCC. And this guy who wanted to be chair of the NRCC actually had a brochure. and that brochure had price listings written on it and his argument for getting elected was elect me I will charge you less. Now you understand how the public policy debate is corrupted when to be in a position of power you have to do what the special interest groups require which undermines the public policy debate. The money now is triumph. and I'll give you a second example so it's not mo brooks talking but there's real evidence to back this up. congressman Thomas massie. By the way, I endorsed myself yesterday afternoon. I should add that Rand Paul has also endorsed me from Kentucky.

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