Forrest Fenn's Treasure Remote Viewed : The Location

2 years ago

Forrest Fenn's treasure chest was found in Wyoming in 2020. While photos of Forrest and the happy finder were published, the exact location where the chest was found in the Rockies has never been revealed.

I am a remote viewer, a writer and publisher living in Sydney, Australia. In 2019, my first two books started a series of remote viewing sessions. The content includes my analysis and conclusions. This is the first of two videos that compare my findings with the most likely solve. I was always hoping the finder would publish his photos of the location and I would have verification for the remote viewing. We missed out on seeing the photos, but plenty of readers have sent me photos of what they thought was the location. As a result, I saw many ingenious solves and some beautiful places in the Rockies.

I've never been to the Rockies, and I am embarrassed to admit it, because the mountains anywhere are my favorite place to spend free time. It was only when Troy Barlow contacted me for the first time in November 2021, asking me to watch a couple of his videos, that I had the experience of seeing something very familiar. I was fairly skeptical, but Troy was persistent. When I saw the drone footage of the canyon in particular, it was BAM! Just like that. Very exciting. So, here it is. My first video on Youtube.

Use these links to read a book sample.
Forrest Fenn's Treasure Remote Viewed: The Chest
Forrest Fenn's Treasure Remote Viewed: The Location

Visit Troy's channel, WyMustIGo for more videos about his Forrest Fenn Treasure location solve. Here are links to the two videos by Troy that led me to post my own.

#Remote viewing, #Hidden Treasure, #Forrest Fenn, #The Rockies

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