Jesus is very angry at the lukewarm phony church crowd and rejects All of you

2 years ago

Jesus is the Lion of Judah and is not in a box or in churches and He would turn over tables, rip down all the Easter junk, throw eggs on the ground and yell it is written My house will be called a house of prayer but you turned it into a den of thieves!! Those who go to church all the time and thinks they are getting to heaven because they are a church member are wrong! No one enters heaven if their names is not written in the Lamb book of life and wear God robe of righteous not your clothes you want to wear! Jesus rejected the religious crowd in His day because they were so self righteous and judged everyone and Jesus all the time! He is sitting with sinners! Doesn't he know the type of woman she is that is washing his feet!! Jesus you healed on the shabbat that is against our rules! The outcasts, leppers, abused, blind, Lame, women, children, tax collector's, fishermen , widows, Jesus sat with because they were judged and cast out by the religious in Israel and not accepted at all like the abused, widows, those divorced, orphans, homeless, single moms , and anyone else that is not welcome in churches Jesus is sitting with while the church crowd says eew they are abused and offends us, get out of here you are a single mom and sinned! We follow our pastor and how dare you tell us that we are not going to heaven we have our pastor and this church what do you have! You are homeless and stink so we do not want you around! How dare you work on Sunday you are sinning so no tip for you at all! That is all people in the man made churches do judge everyone all the time and those who are outside are not welcome in the churches because they don't want outcasts in just like the religious leaders did not want anyone not like them around! Jesus has had enough and if this offends you who cares!! You are either for Jesus or the antichrist and when the rapture happens thousands of people who were born again believers that you probably judged and looked down upon will all be gone and you will not be taken because you have not made yourselves ready at all for Jesus and He says fine and will not take anyone not ready at all for Him!! It is not a game anymore!!!! Wake up now dead sleeping lukewarm church people and get out of your churches and decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! There is no middle ground anymore and you are either for the antichrist or he will go after those who don't worship him and persercute them far worse then Nero or the Holocaust and will kill anyone who doesn't worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast!! Time is up

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