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2 years ago

A song of tribute to our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Easter brothers and sisters!

'The Word', God's first begotten, gave of Himself; and all souls were born.

God's first outpouring of love was the dividing of Himself to create companionship. This companion was none other than His firstborn, the Christ, His first begotten, in Spirit, 'The Word'. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)

Christ, 'The Word', had the same desire as the Father, the desire for companionship. That the Son was in accord with the Father is made plain Genesis 1:26: "Let 'us' make man in 'Our' image, after 'Our' likeness." Thus the Christ, the first begotten, 'The Word', gave of Himself; and all souls were born. This was the spiritual birth of man -- in Gods image. ...In the beginning was the Word. The Word was God. The Word was with God. He moved. Hence, as He moved, souls -- portions of Himself -- came into being.


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