Breaking News Medical Tyranny with Senator Kelly Townsend

2 years ago

@ Banner Health Desert Medical Center.

Senator Kelly Townsend: We have a situation in AZ that requires your immediate assistance. A 26 year old woman had an asthma attack last Friday and is due to be removed from life support in 3 hours. She has been declared brain dead by the medical team at Banner Desert and will remove life support at 1:30pm today. This is against the wishes of the family who are asking for just another week to try and find a facility to transfer her to. They, of course, are hoping for a miracle.
They have told me that they have received poor treatment by the medical staff. They asked Banner to give them another week because it hadn’t even been a week yet and they were aggressively moving to disconnect life support. The chief neurologist reportedly told them that “If their God could do a miracle, why not go ahead and bury her and let their God raise her from the dead?” They told me that another doctor said to them that “It’s God’s will for your daughter to be sick for her to have the asthma attack, and being dead, is that not God’s will?”
The mother also says that she overheard them joking and didn’t know she was listening and said that they were mocking them and one of them joked and said, “Let’s just see where this goes ha ha ha.”
They’ve also claimed that the critical care doctor told him that he has the power and he is the only one that makes the decision as to whether or not they remove life-support. They were going to remove it yesterday but gave them 24 hours more.
The family is about to go to court to gain guardianship in order to make decisions on behalf of their daughter.
We are asking you to first of all pray that the family would be able to make the decisions rather than the medical team who seems to have distain for this family. Pray for a miracle for their daughter, Micah.
If you are so inclined, please call the hospital and politely ask them to give the family more time. It’s Easter weekend and they should have the compassion to at least wait until after then. And finally, tell them to do something about the poor treatment of patients in their hospital by staff. Please do dot be abusive or threatening.
Thank you, and God bless this situation.
Banner Desert
Public Affairs
(602) 747-3080.

MAAP REAL TALK SHOW Copyrights 2022
Producer George Nemeh

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