CRYPTO: How to create your own economic freedom

2 years ago

We have been manipulated and lied to for decades by the central bankers and the elites. The 1%.

The rise of Cryptocurrency is a welcome challenge to the centralised powers of government and banks with the associated issues of money printing, inflation cycles and fraud whilst offering each of us the opportunity to create our own financial freedom.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, the world's most well renowned cryptocurrency, said that it was designed to eliminate redundant middlemen and central banks. The intent was to thwart corrupting influences, break down centralised power structures and put money back into the hands of the people.

However, will governments attempt to regulate or even ban cryptocurrencies? Will national digital coins emerge? Could programmable national currencies pose a new threat to civil liberties?

Can cryptocurrency really transform the financial system and ultimately fulfil the intent laid out by Nakamoto as a way to place the power back in the hands of the people?

These are the types of questions that I’ll be asking today's guest, Jim Duffy, one of the UKs leading crypto experts who recently launched the Crypto Standard podcast with co-host Jordan Walker to make cryptocurrency more understandable and relatable.

Want to explore how to create your own wealth with cryptocurrency but don't know where to start? Join us LIVE at 17:00 UK time where we seek to take the cryptic out of crypto.

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