FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 36 = Chapter 11, Part A - Hyping Phony Epidemics: “Crying Wolf”

2 years ago

Pages 357-377

Infectious diseases - those that can be transferred from human to human - are actually dramatically DOWN from the 1900’s. But you sure wouldn’t know that from the inflated attention and fear-mongering of epidemics, pandemics, and virus mania!

Crying Wolf 1976 Swine Flu
In 1976 a soldier died at Fort Dix from a lung ailment and the CDC identified the culprit to be swine flu. The terror of a catastrophic pandemic was created in order to induce public demand for a vaccine. BOOK Page 358, Gerald Ford signed a bill, “…to inoculate 140 million Americans against this pestilence.”

Fear was bolstered by an overly enthused cry-wolf media, and vaccine recipients experienced a host of adverse reactions including Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). However, there was actually ZERO evidence that the swine flu was contagious to humans AND guess how many people died from this swine flu pandemic?

Not one million people as predicted but one. ONE. One?

Influenza (Yearly Crying Wolf)
Let me quickly summarize the yearly flu vaccination for you…. how do the pharmaceutical companies know which variant of the flu virus to make their vaccines for AHEAD of when the flu season hits? Ah, yes, they can’t. So what the hell are you putting into your body?

Crying Wolf 2005 Bird Flu

Lord of All Science Fauci had been hyping up the fear of bird flu since 2001 but in 2005, the H5N1 avian flu virus got its wings… when a little girl supposedly was infected by her pet duck who had died. This was the same year that the BOOK, Page 362, “Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005” was passed “granting liability relief to vaccine manufacturers”. It was predicted that 150 million people could be killed, and this induced widespread panic while the vaccine enterprises were ramping up to start inoculating all.

Guess how many people died from the predicted 150 million? BOOK, Page 363, “By the time it was all over, the WHO estimated that by May 16, 2006, Dr. Fauci’s bird flu had killed only 100 people worldwide.”

I am sensing a pattern here…

More in the next installment!

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