Weekly Stock Market Update 4/15/22 | Inflation Reports and Elon Musk vs Twitter

2 years ago

Weekly stock market update for the week ending on 4/15/22.
#Stocks #Inflation #ElonMusk
Nothing in this video is financial advice! Only entertainment purposes only.

Friday the market was closed due to Good Friday so we only had 4 trading days this week.

On Tuesday, the CPI report came in with inflation being up 1.2 percent for march. Which was 0.3 percent higher than expectations. However, CPI less food and energy (CPI calculated without food and energy) was only up 0.3% with it being up 0.5% in February. This indicates that core inflation is actually going down. Hopefully it follows that trend.
Link to CPI Report: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi....

Also on Wednesday, we had the PPI report which is the producer price index. The PPI was up 1.4% as it was expected to come in at 1.1%. The price for final demand less food, energy, and trade services moved up 0.9% when it was expected to come in at 0.5%. So it pretty much was DOUBLE expectations (Not Good).
Link to PPI Report: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/ppi....

and lastly we have Elon Musk vs Twitter. Towards the end of last month, Elon Musk became twitters largest shareholder with a 9.2% stake in the company. Elon Musk has been fighting for free speech for social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and twitter. He believes twitter needs a reform and needs to be taken private. On April 14th, Elon Musk made an offer to buy twitter at $54.20 per share which would have a total valuation of $43 billion dollars. On April 15th, Twitter denied Elons offer and even adopted the poison pill stockholder plan. This would make it to where Elon Musk cannot own more than 15% of the company without giving the shareholders of twitter the ability to buy shares at a discounted price. This would dilute Elon's position in the company and make it even more difficult to increase his ownership in the company. I personally believe that twitters decision to use the poison pill is just another negotiating tactic and I am expecting for them to do further negotiation until they come to a conclusion.

I will be doing a stock market update video just like this one every week on Friday. I want to take everything that happened in the market during the week and cover it all in one video. I want to look through the indexes and ETF's, see how the sector's performed each week, which stocks performed well and which didn't, and to cover any important news that as came out during the week.

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