Message to Minister Louis Farrakhan, The NOI, Muslims Worldwide, and the Negro Nation of Israel

2 years ago

The Great Muslim Revival is Underway!

This New Era will be dubbed, "The Great Muslim Revival!"

Truly the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37

The word of God says in the latter days I shall pour out my spirit upon ALL flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28

The reality of these prophecies is hitting hard as the spirit of Yeshayah/Jesus is miraculously moving to do with Muslims what no one expected. The western world villainizes Muslims, making it appear as if Muslims are murdering terrorists when in reality the Western Nations are the terrorist of the world.

A major move of God is taking place as I AM is moving by his spirit to usher hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide into the Kingdom of his son Yeshayah's /Jesus as he pours out of His Spirit on Muslims, wonderfully miraculously transforming their lives.

For many, many years Satan has targeted Muslims for destruction knowing Yeshayah's love and plan to usher Muslims into his glorious kingdom and setting them free from all that ails them.

The powers of darkness are being shattered in this hour, the devil is on the run with a new power move on the kingdom of darkness to set Muslims free.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims all over the world are about to declare the word of the Lord testifying how Yeshayah visited them in dreams and visions proving that he is truly God who came in the flesh. Yeshayah is reaching out to Muslims in a special way declaring his love for Muslims as he demonstrates his great love for them in an outpouring of his spirits ushering them into his marvelous light and Kingdom, delivering many from the kingdom of darkness in this hour.

Many media outlets, news, papers, and magazines headlines will soon carry the following headlines in response to the great outpouring of the spirit of God on Muslims:

Yeshayah joyfully welcomes Muslims into his glorious Kingdom!
His loving arms are open wide as he Yeshayah welcomes hundreds of millions of Muslims into his glorious Kingdom.

Revival has broken out all over the world upon Muslims.
The kingdom of darkness has received a major blow, Satan and his kingdom targeted Muslims for destruction BUT God/Yeshayah is pouring out his spirit on Muslims in this hour.

The enemy went hard in the paint against Muslims to kill and destroy them but the plan backfired.

Christ is doing a new thing in the Muslim community, Muslims will show Christians the proper way to pray, and honor Yeshayah putting Christians to shame with continuous times of fasting, prayer praise, and worship.

Welcome, and get ready for hundreds of millions of Muslims flooding into the Kingdom of our Lord and his Christ.
Transformed Muslims now work signs and wonders, healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out devils while engaged in 24-hour prayer visuals.




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