KILLING THEIR OWN What The Media Isn't Telling You About UKRAINE

2 years ago


For the past 8 years, the government of Ukraine, with US support, has been waging war against its own citizens in eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region – ‘killing its own people’ in Western jargon. That’s the same pretext the US has used multiple times in pushing for war in Iraq, Libya and Syria. If it was acceptable for the US to take action against governments who were supposedly killing their own people, why is the West so upset with Russia for doing the same? And why is the US supporting the Ukrainian government who, to this day, is killing its own people?

What The Media Isn't Telling You About UKRAINE

Russia is rapidly becoming a pariah state, isolated from much of the world, like other ‘enemies’ of the US like Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. The West is fanning the flames and are escalating the situation in Ukraine. They are making it difficult for a solution to be found because they refuse to consider Russia’s perspective. It’s easier just to condemn and see things in black and white. Censorship, anti-Russia hysteria and a disregard of Russia’s legitimate concerns won’t resolve the current problems, unless Russia just capitulates with the knowledge that they will be subjected to the will of the Empire for many years to come.

Finally, many of us question the sincerity of those who are hyper-outraged at what Russia is doing in Ukraine today, but have been silent as the US, Europe, Israel and Saudi Arabia wage war with impunity.



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