Please Remain in Your Seats Until the Car Has Come to a Complete Stop

2 years ago


It was a scene shot at a familiar amusement park in Rye Beach, New York, in a film starring Tom Hanks, who had been able to convince an adult by simply stating "George Washington", a middle school, that he had graduated from a university, having placed in that adult's mind a sufficient expectation for a magical occurrence to present. And, Josh Baskin, hoping to impress a young lady had found great disappointment upon learning that he did not, despite his greatest desires and dreams, satisfy the minimal height requirements to board and enjoy a thrill ride attraction, inducing trauma in the mind of a child, and invoking sympathy from a film theater audience.

A graduate of the Number One ranked competitive college in the nation, accepting only 13% of applicants, and who is apparently not afraid to burn in Hell, had presented the proposition to the Freedom from Religion Foundation, an organization that believes themselves to be "intellectuals", and all the more honored to have as their guest a member of Congress, who boasts of "almost perfect SATs", but not quantifiably defined, that 1) there is no biblical source that he has ever read, a qualified condition, to sustain the proposition that it is morally unacceptable in the Christian faith to have an abortion, selecting Christian theology as his sole target, despite pronouncements regarding being a defender of all religions, which he personally rejects as an intellectual, dedicated to science; and 2) there is no scientific foundation to sustain the idea that a fetus is a living organism, entitled to those "natural law", actually not recognized in American jurisprudence, rights, described as endowed by a Creator, in the founding documents, i.e., the Declaration of Independence, and described as "self-evident", integrated into the Constitution.

The community of the most government scientists in the nation has presented the claim that a fringe independent and not an option candidate for Congress is, in fact, despite payments, without financial aid to the most competitive private college in the nation, is a graduate of an evangelical Christian college associated with Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority, which Don Beyer, not afraid to burn in Hell, has decreed to have been neither moral nor a majority, even contrary to the empirical evidence, but, like the standard for a demurrer, under Federal Rule of Procedure 12(b)(6), accepting all allegations as true, the internationally notorious porn tab guy has an opportunity as foot stomping Baptist to kick a little most competitive college Democratic Party symbol on these groundless and unsustainable claims set forth in support of abortion, and Planned Parenthood, which had early endorsed the newest member of the atheist club in Congress back in December.

So, Champions of Christ, let's have at it. Bully! And jolly good show. Yank! (A little gallows humor from a fan of The Mikado since kindygarten.)

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