What 1 thing is diffrant about you as a Human Animal then all other animals & intitys???

2 years ago

PART 1 of 2 videos: Why would you as a Human Animal become a vegetarian? #1...For health reasons because the Vegetarian IS by far the BEST diet of ALL or ANY diet. #2...becoming a person who only eats vegetables or a vegetarian is a moral obligation to the Killing of animals. killing to eat is wrong! so what is the 1 thing that sets you as human animal apart from ALL other animals? see my part 2 video it will tell you exactly what it is.
Also people who have an up-set stomach whats a good diet to make the stomach feel better what are things you can drink & eat to make your up-set stomach feel better? please leave the information you know what you can eat & drink to make your stomach feel good again as when you were a kid? in the comments. Thanks
SEE PART 2 Video

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