Jesus cursed those who celebrate Ishtar a pagan moon goddess!!

2 years ago

Those who celebrate and worship Ishtar are cursed by the Most High God!! Jesus hates Easter!! Good Friday, palm Sunday, lent, eggs hunt's, mother and father day, Xmas, thanksgiving, ash Wednesday, Mardi gras they are all pagan holidays! Nimrod lived in ancient Babylon or Iraq and he said he was a god and he married his mother semeranias and called Ishtar a moon goddess!! He was killed for his wickedness by Shem and semeranias weeped for him on good Friday and called him Tammuz! On Easter the pagans rose at sunrise to welcome the queen of heaven Ishtar! Virgins got pregnant and on Easter they killed the babies and used their blood to dye eggs with! Ishtar has different names, Venus in Roman, ISIS in Egypt, asoterh for the Assyrians, those who keep Easter hate God and worship Satan!! Jesus did not die on Friday and rose on Sunday!! He died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday! The early church did not keep Easter at all but Passover! Conastine the last Roman emperor let pagan worshiping Romans inside the church and mixed pagan holidays up and then the Catholic whore church came to power and got rid of all the Jewish feasts and put Sunday worship, Xmas, lent, Easter, good Friday, Ash Wednesday, they changed the calendar to and got rid of everything the early church had and persercuted the Jews and anyone they did not like! The Catholic Church is full of blood of thousands of people it killed and sexually abuse, churches today are all dead and have nothing inside but dead rotten people who hate God! They persercuted anyone they want and tell pastors you preach from the Bible and that offends us so we removed you from this church, sorry you are divorced you can't come here at all you sinned, you are abused and that offends us so we can't help you at all, you have tattoos and you can't come in our church at all, sorry we can't help you at all go to a shelter, they would tell God you are not welcome here you offend us!! Jesus would knock over all your Easter junk, He would tear down your idol's, He would smash your hot cross buns and eggs and yell it is written My house will be called a house of prayer but you turned it into a den of thieves!! Those who keep pagan holidays are not Christians but Satan worshiping pagans and there are no Ishtar Baal worshipers in heaven but hell!!! God will be your Judge and He will not be nice at all and will say you shall have no other god's before Me! But but Easter was fun everyone did it!! You shall not worship any other gods!! But but I did worship you!! I do not know you depart from Me you workers of inquinity!! Jesus will take only His bride out of this wicked world and leave all the lukewarm phony church people left behind!!

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