"Rocking with Sandra" Part 5

2 years ago

This video is of pieces from our past that I cherish and have much respect for. Please be a reminder to everyone that whenever we find rocks like this that we should document where they came from so that when it's our time to pass them on that their history stays with them. Rocking is one of my all time passions in life along with anything that has to do with the outdoors. Thank you for watching. Let's all come together and create a better tomorrow for you, me but most importantly for our children and future generations to come. We are all our children have and they rely on us. They and their future is what's most important when it comes down to it. It is our responsibility to do everything we can to protect their freedoms while we are here and are able to do so. I wish you all and your families lots of love, peace and happiness. We all deserve to live in peace

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