Product & Claim | The Email Marketing Machine | DFY Emails For Your Autoresponder

2 years ago

Product & Claim | The Email Marketing Machine | DFY Emails For Your Autoresponder

Create high-converting email sequences that pour money directly into your bank account, quickly, easily and for barely any cost.

The course is made of 5 sets of email sequences, two bonuses and a special additional bonus.
The price of the course is $17.


OTO1/Upsell is a DFY Click & Play - Ready to import versions of all the sequences for Aweber,, Get Response & Kartra. It sells for $37.

OTO2/Upsell is the Commercial/Agency License - Use the templates for clients and even resell them. It sells for only $67.

OTO3/Upsell is the monthly access to the Expert Growth Program

This is VIP Inner Circle.
Live Zoom chat weekly answering all questions about:

Paid Traffic
Organic Traffic
Lead Gen
Landing Pages
Sales & Conversions
Its price is $1.00 for a 7 Day Trial, then $97 Monthly.

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