*American Moosetacles* Special Episode #01 - Gender Identity

2 years ago

In this Special Episode #01, *American Moosetacles* elaborates on Florida House Bill 1557, the infamous "Don't Say Gay" bill, that was signed into law by Gov. DeSantis. After the recent public outrage over this "hateful legislation" - that confirms that Libs are upset about their soon-to-be prohibited classroom instruction of gender identity & sexual orientation in Florida Public School Grades K thru 3, Mark finds definitions of the multitude of genders that Americans are being forced to accept as reality. Are there really just 2? Or are there 31, as New York City recognizes? Or even more? If so or if not, what the hell does it matter? According to a 2020 Medically Reviewed" article, the woke left attempts to define a good number of fantastical "choices", while admitting, by their own definitions, that they are all merely fantasy. You have not heard someone lay it out like this! Plus, there's a glimpse into your host's personal life that proves that kids will believe just about anything because they exist in a hypnotic trance-like state in which they do not analyze what they are told...just like too many current so-called adults! Feel free to comment below this video. Should these topics be introduced, taught, or discussed with children in these age groups/grades? Iif you prefer to remain anonymous, send an email to Americanmoosetacles@gmail.com
All viewpoints are welcome.

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Featured Music:
"Escape on a Flatbed" & "The Lemming Boogie" by The Lemming Shepherds are used w/ permission granted via Creative Commons License.

While we are discussing fantasy & the Left's Utopia, please preview or purchase Mark's book about the cancel culture and the NFL, "4th & 32, A PC Playbook for the Perfect Season" at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MCC7LK3


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