Jesuit Order: Our Forefather's Warning a Scholarly Look Into the Historical Record of Subversion

2 years ago

I have a question for you. If you have been following my 40 Catholic Red-Pill video list to this point and you are still skeptical that all this anti-cabal or anti-vaccine narrative is false, if the mainstream media (MSM) is supposedly neutral and fair, why do you hear nothing in the news, radio or T.V. about most of these topics despite all this widespread evidence? Mainstream media (MSM) portrays President Donald Trump(pro-life) as a buffoon and edits or censors everything he says and does. Yet, it is Trump(pro-life) that is devoted to cleaning up the swamp and exposing the perpetrators. Most of my family and Catholic friends think Trump is an idiot, as they typically only watch MSM, and mostly think Biden(pro-abortion & partial-birth) is so presidential as the MSM protects Biden. Does Hollywood or politics appear normal to you or does something seem out of place? Should we trust politicians or celebrities?

The main underlying issue of importance is our children. The horrific abuse, trafficking and worse and on levels you cannot imagine and is being hidden from view (or hidden in plain view) and with hidden agendas. This includes the hidden agenda regarding the Covid 19, masks and the recent escalations on the eventual mandatory jab of our children of the “Fauci-Ouchie”, even the 6 months to 2 years old category. Hidden satanic cabal agendas regarding partial-birth executions of our children. How can I not warn and speak out now?

Unfortunately, my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list only scratches the surface of what is truly going on along with the child trafficking, pedophilia worldwide and worse. There is something going on much deeper with the swamp elite, politicians, Hollywood, organized religion, and certain celebrity athletes and actors. I believe a sick infiltration has infected the Vatican and God is finally going to call them out. Our present pope supports the Catholic illegitimate president Biden, but states Trump is not a Christian because of his policies defending the southern U.S. border. The Catholic flock is going to demand total transparency and rightful correction in Catholic leadership.

The red-pill to know what is truly going on is hard to swallow, but necessary. Don’t be caught off guard when everything is finally exposed. The choice to know is yours, but better to be psychologically, emotionally and spiritually prepared. Marcum

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Stew Peters Network
April 14, 2022
Thursday on the Stew Peter’s Show, Biblical & Constitutional scholar David Jose talks about the deep-rooted, Jesuit infested, history of Globalism. The incredible rabbit trail that Jose leads this show down, is the truth about the Jesuit cult, who is involved, and how they have been plotting the end of the world since ancient Rome!
This jaw-dropping episode of The Stew Peters Show is one that you don’t want to miss!
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:

Please check out my Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill, Catholic Related, Covid-19 Related, and Pedophilia/Child Trafficking playlists.

A must see for Catholics! Can Pope Francis love us to death? (Marcum MyCatholicRedPill)

This DOD stamped document also reveals that the government knows that “prior Covid-19 infection has a major protective effect against breakthrough hospitalization,” which means that natural herd immunity is superior to the vaccines.


10 plus pages of adverse effects of the vaccine. This is why the pages were blank in the boxes of vials of this shit. Be sure to take a look at page 30.

Message To The Jabbed - Wake Up From The Spell Cast On Your Mind - David Icke Dot-Connector

Victim Of Vaccine Trials Injury Speaks Out Against Vaccine Manufacturers

These Global Demonic(s) Are Lying To Us - 100% proof

The Great Re-Shit

PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000

Pfizer 1291 side effect document

Justice Coming for Victims of COVID Totalitarians & Murderers: Dr. Fuellmich


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