Blaspheming The Spirit Of God In The Last Days

2 years ago

Did you know the love of money can get you to sell your soul to the devil. You will become like Judas.
Did you know that God destroyed most of the children of Israel after bringing them out from bondage in Egypt because they choose to follow fear instead of faith in God. Did you know that simply following fear will land you in the lake of fire?

Simple ignorance will get many into hell because they will not know they are following the devil. To follow the world in fear is to follow the devil, it is amongst the easiest way for the devil to get people on his side and steal their soul.

Can you not see the fearful tops the list of people God will destroy in lake of fire. The whole world following the devil in fear satans ministers have the church doing the same. Come out from amongst them and be ye separate. Be not rebellious against the Spirit of God. Repent and remember our first love. The just live by faith and overcome the world by faith.

Revelation 21:8
King James Version
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

IS IT BETTER TO OBEY GOD OR MAN? Can you see like Daniel when the laws of man is attacking God and faith in God? The god of this world promotes fear. The creator God is impossible to please without faith. God proves his children.

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