Fight the rising cost of fertilizer

3 years ago

Don’t worry about the fertilizer shortages or supply chain issues, food abundance can be yours starting on the land you own. As the fertilizer shortages increase so will prices. Can you afford to grow your own food? If you understand these methods, then you’ll never fear high fertilizer prices.

You don’t need to buy in fertilizer when you understand these key principles. Even if you don’t have nutrients on your land, you don’t need to ship it in from around the world. Get nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, as well as micro-nutrients from microbial activity. Easily find these nutrients near you.

In developing a more prosperous homestead, small farm, or estate, there are certain approaches that have been forgotten. You can cultivate ground cover, animal management, and waste streams to feed your garden. That garden will produce abundance without harmful chemical fertilizer.

Before you fear global supply chain issues discover how fertilizer, soil conditioning, and more is available in your community. If you’d like to learn more about composting, organic waste management, and making biochar, then join our free newsletter at

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