戰爭前的烏克蘭與總統左輪司機|What was the media saying about Zelensky and the Ukraine before the war?

2 years ago

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
2:55 討論:烏克蘭總統給大家的印象 Discussion: Impressions of the President of Ukraine
6:17 2022年2月以前媒體怎麼報導烏克蘭 What the media report Ukra!ne before the war
11:04 左輪司機近期管控國內媒體 Combine national TV channels into one platform
12:25 左輪司機禁止反對黨 Bans political opposition
13:13 為什麼媒體輿論大風吹 Why do the media change so quick?
16:12 拜登兒子在烏克蘭的投資 Hunter B!den's investment in Ukra!ne
19:07 影片:拜登說要炒檢察官魷魚 Video: Joe B!den wanted fired prosecutor
24:57 討論:看完影片的想法 Discussion: Thoughts after watching the video
29:59 🇹🇼 反思台灣 Reflections on Taiwan
45:45 如果是川普執政會怎麼樣?What will happen if the president is Trump

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