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Busting the Myths of Section 8 with Tom Cruz

3 years ago

Tom Cruz is a 33-year-old real estate investor out of Wilmington, NC. After graduating from UNCW, Tom started wholesaling real estate and then graduated to buying single/small multi-family properties.

Tom got his start with the Section 8 program by accident after purchasing a unit with a tenant that was Section 8. Since then he has bought and sold 500+ units and currently solely owns 390 properties.

Tom is now offering the world's first comprehensive step-by-step Section 8 course and coaching program. His reach is over 1M, and he would be happy to let his network know to listen in!

Connect with Tom Cruz!
• Website: https://www.section8webinar.com/

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"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - JD

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