TPM - Return rant: Internet thick skin, knowing when to jump, and when not to

2 years ago

On the internet, when you put yourself out there, your gonna take your jabs, jokes, hits, whatever, you gotta have a good layer of mental armor around you.

I know theres kind of an army around Zach, or his official handle, the fight for patriotism. hearts are in the right place, but in the wrong place at the same time.

In his heart, he can rodeo with the best of us. treat him like the normal adult like he wishes, not a freakin kid.

he is capable of speaking on his own, and as we have all seen, he will say when enough is enough.

imagine how you would feel, in his position, jumping at everyone over everything, even the tiniest thing. it could make him feel weak or even embarrass him, he will speak when things go out of hand. not just through tts, but through actions.

stop trying to fight everything, not every thing is a war. let him stand with his own power, that you all know he has in him.

I'm more with it then you think, We are warriors of our own makeup, doing our own bit, speaking our own way. I know if i was in Zach's position, I would wanna fight my battles against any projecting mudduck or wannabe agitator on the net.

Let him stand on his own, he can speak. and dont attack those who are trying to help him be able to keep up with the pace of the QSO.

by attacking hawks mustard seeds (i think i got the right guy), who's just trying to help zach to be able to join in the chat more, ON HIS OWN FREAKIN CHANNEL.

cause the pace of the chat is faster then he can type, i relayed a windows based program that uses eye controlled TTS which is open source, not knowing he used a tablet for his TTS.

if you wanna truely help zach, help him be able to keep up with the pace of the conversation!!!

thats by getting him set up with a decent lappie or a tower, running linux or windows, whatever he might prefer.

The current state of things, Zach has so much i know he would want to say, but because tablets are so limited on what you can do hardware wise, especially ipads.

Zach only gets to say his opening statement, 4, maybe 5 lines in between, then he says his closing statement, and it sucks to see that.

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