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Emerald Richard Byrd

2 years ago

What are the chances that we just discovered an 5th Ocean in the same area Richard E. Byrde discovered land beyond the South Pole as big as the United States of America?

I would say we might as well play the lottery - those numbers are astronomical - I'm not mathematician but wow -things are unfolding in the same manner us "conspiracy theories" are laying it out to be.

I wouldn't be shocked if NASA came out tomorrow and admitted the Earth was flat...Hold on - they already did - they called it an "Oblate Spheroid" which is a genius way of saying "Disc" - if you didn't pick that up...that was the plan.

Seriously guys and gals...the game is over if you're still holding onto that old ball thing..I tried to hold on too. The Flat Earthers were right...I was wrong. I can admit it - why don't you?

It didn't cost me anything, it didn't hurt and I didn't lose any friends over it. Mostly because they were wrong too.

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