Caller Frustrated With Democratic Complacency Under Biden

2 years ago

A listener called in frustrated that those close to him think he's an alarmist. He discusses his concerns that the Republican party is transforming the United States into apartheid South Africa, but his friends don't seem to get it.

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Caller: Just first just want to say thank you all so much for the work you do. you have I still feel like I would have had the same politics I do now. But you have kept me very informed and educated and Michael had a huge influence on me. I just want to shout at him as well. Sorry, I'm a little nervous so I guess I feel like I live in a different reality sometimes. because I recognize how horrible things are heading in this country. You talk about it often with the supreme court. and just how like for the next 30 years we could be envisioning something like I don't know I mean I feel like well I know that Republicans essentially want us to be in a country that looks like Saudi Arabia. Or like apartheid South Africa. and I get frustrated because a lot of my friends on the left I just don't feel a sense of urgency with people. I just don't feel that people understand how awful things are right now. and where we are heading as a country and as a society. And I like to throw things out on social media sometimes. and I try to you know like emphasize hey like this insane senator from Indiana wants to outlaw interracial marriage. they want us to go to apartheid South Africa. or I try to like use big words to emphasize how urgent the times are right now. but it just feels like sometimes I'm yelling at a wall. and people just don't want to hear it. like it's too negative. like I don't listen well, your rights are at stake. you're like people you love and just the people in your community their lives are at stake. like how can you not understand how awful things are right now? and I just have friends that say well oh why should I participate in the democratic primary nothing's going to change. and I'm just like voting is harm reduction. We need to do something. It's a level of power that we all have as individuals. it's not substantial but combined it can mean a lot. and make a huge difference. So I just get frustrated with friends that, you know, I mean I live in Maryland, so it's a closed primary and you have to register as a Democrat in order to vote in the Democratic primary. So I have a lot of friends that are independent and I just like you realize you're throwing your power away by not registering as a democrat. And just like well I don't want to be a democrat because the democratic party is corrupt. and like they're not going to do anything anyways. look at what they're doing with Biden. like okay, we need to do something.
Sam: All I can tell you is welcome to the last 17 years of my life. but I'll tell you it was worse in many respects than it was during the Bush years. the only thing I can tell you is that the upshot is in four or five years when some of your friends realize like oh look what happened. they'll be more inclined to listen to you. so you know hang in there. I can tell you that this era that we're living in is going sadly very much like I had anticipated you know in the summer of 2016. The following is someone like Donald Trump and I saw this after Reagan. and I saw it after bush. less so after the bush. but certainly after Reagan. There is a tendency for people to just either become somewhat apathetic or to go back to sleep. and the right is much better at having their people constantly agitated. they're a lot more flexible and what they'll find. and you know they're a lot more less shameless. excuse me yes a lot less shameless. and you know will blow up an issue like what transgender athletes are doing to our sacred you know college sports or high school sports.

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